By Memories Group

Memories bets on tourist boom in Myanmar — The Business Times

Memories bets on tourist boom in Myanmar — The Business Times 3 December 2018 Bagan, the former capital of the Bagan Kingdom, which ruled over the Irrawaddy Valley and its environs from the 9th to the 13th century, is home to more than 2,200 Buddhist pagodas and temples, some of which have been fully restored. […]

Hotel investments continue to rise despite lower tourist arrivals — Myanmar Times

Hotel investments continue to rise despite lower tourist arrivals — Myanmar Times By Ei Ei Thu 16 November 2018 Singapore-listed company Memories Group Ltd yesterday launched three new hotels in Myanmar, located in Mawlamyaing, Yangon and Mergui, respectively, even as tourist numbers dip and occupancy rates fall across the country. The 72-room, 3-star Hotel Suggati […]

Memories expands presence in Myanmar — TTR Weekly

Memories expands presence in Myanmar — TTR Weekly 15 November 2018 Mawlamyaing, Myanmar 15 November 2018: The 72-room Hotel Suggati officially opens 15 December in Mawlamyaing, the capital of Myanmar’s Mon State. Located next to the Salween River, the waterfront property will be positioned as a three-star hotel for business and leisure travellers heading for […]

72-room Hotel Suggati opening in Mynamar — Hotel News Resource

72-room Hotel Suggati opening in Mynamar — Hotel News Resource 14 November 2018 Designed by US architect Daniel West, the 72-key Hotel Suggati is set to celebrate its grand opening on December 15 in Mawlamyaing, the capital of Myanmar’s Mon State. Commanding a panoramic vista over the Thanlwin [Salween] River, this waterfront property brings a […]

银行股劲涨推动 海指成功回返 3300 点以上 — 联合早报

银行股劲涨推动 海指成功回返 3300 点以上 — 联合早报 By 王阳发 26 July 2018 本地银行股劲涨推动海峡时报指数昨日成功回返 3300 点以上,海峡指数全天上扬 1.04%或 34.18 点,闭市报 3326.83 点。 海峡指数上个月跌破 3300 点后,处于这个价位之下长达 25 个交易日。 其间,在 7 月 6 日更被政府出台新一轮房地产降温措施震跌至 3200 点以下,但迅速回 弹。近日海指表现强劲节节攀升。 不过,昨日交易活动一般,全场成交量约 15 亿 8640 万股,总值约 13 亿零 600 万元, 上升股 219 只,下跌股 178 只。 昨日本地三家银行的股价劲涨,共为海指贡献接近 30 点,其余成份股涨跌互见。 华侨银行上涨 3.19%至 11.66 元,大华银行上涨 2.67%至 26.89 […]